Friday, November 19, 2010

Mary Orlanski??

Mary Orlanski is my great grandmother, mother of my paternal grandfather. I don't know anything about her other than her name. Her husband James Thomas McIntire died young, leaving her a single mother in the 1930's. Grandpa ended up in St. Anthony's orphanage and who knows what happened to her after that.

Recently I found a census record that could be her, I don't know, it needs more digging but here it is.

Here is what it says
1. She lives on East Street in New Haven Township, New Haven, Connecticut
2. She lives with her grandfather, Peter Siuyko(?)
3. I think that she might have lived in some sort of apartment or boarding house because he was listed as the third of four heads of house.
4. Mary is 2 and half years old (female, white, single)
5. Mary was born in Connecticut and both her parents were born in Poland
6. She has either two brothers or two cousins (or one brother and one cousin...)named Stanley (7) and Joseph (6, neither of which went to school at the time.
7. Peter rented his home
8. Peter is a 66 year old white male
9. Peter is married to Mary*, who is 50.
10. They both immigrated in 1913 (and are aliens!!)
11. Neither Peter or Mary* can read or write
12. Their native tongue is Polish. Peter can speak English but Mary* can not.
13. Peter is a Laborer at the Paper Mill and is a wage worker
14. They have a daughter that is named... wait for it.... I can't really tell. You can check it out in the image above. My best guess is...Staley?
15. What's her name is 26 and immigrated in 1912, can read and write, was born in Poland, can speak English, and is a helper in a Corset Shop

Phew. Sorry. that's all information on the census!

But this Mary may not be our Mary Orlanski McIntire. The thing that would keep me from going 100% is that they are in Connecticut and not Maryland where everyone else is. But people do move, so it's not a factor that would keep her from being M.O.M. What could happen now is like finding more information!

*Mary Sr.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Welcome! / Annie Flanagan McIntire!


Today in my Family History class we talked about starting a Family History Blog as a way to share research and the like with other people. And I liked the idea. So here we are. The first post of a Family History Blog.

For the semester in my FH class we had to pick one of our ancestors who was born before 1800. I picked my great-great-grandmother Anna A. Flanagan. I had to opprotunity to find her father's name (Augustine), that she had a brother (Thomas!), and such and what not. The semester is almost over and there is still a lot of things I don't know about Annie. Like when she immigrated to America from England and the birth and death information about her parents.

There is always a ton of stuff to do for Family History!